Tuesday, March 5, 2013

When I'm 64...... next week

My goldfish, Mary and Joseph, send greetings. 

Today I was sad.  I was wondering why.  And Bongo!!! when I told myself NOT TO PICK UP A PAINTBRUSH,  to stick to the design project for 270 elementary school students, it hit me.  I was lonely for painting. I haven't painted in 2 weeks and 2 days!!!!!!!  This is what makes me sad. 

Solution: Paint and paint more.  No serious intention allowed. Just moving the paint and loving the squish and scrub of it all, getting lost in hues' moods!. 
You may have seen this work on FB, but if not, here's the last work I did.  It's at Art East Art Center in Issaquah and Issaquah Coffee Company in Gillman Village.  


Myron's Desert
This large assemblage is still being built.  It's called "Open".  Here are two parts of it.

Gold Mask

Open Heart

Now to the brush and color...... It's not hard to start..............................................
Please go to Issaquah Coffee Company to take a look at the show I've hung there.  Thanks for your interest.

All my best, 