Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Pril jumps and spins even more than Mar Ch.

Didn't imagine I could love the rain as much as I do. It feels as  though we're extremely clean these days. (Remember the Jackson Brown song, "After the Deluge"?)  I feel clean instead of depressed because  I've been going to aerobic conditioning class at 8 am, and the feeling afterwards is plain old "GOOD:".  Energized, enthusiastic, curious, and creative.
Like this:

The artist in schools residency in Homer, Alaska in March was a lot of fun. I came home encouraged.  I realize my way of teaching may seem corny at times, but it's all about creating a safe space in which to be vulnerable, playful, and innovative. I haven't seen many opportunities for that in our culture..Acting "cool"gets in our way. 

Inside all of us is creativity. Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into rage, shame, judgement, and grief. Comparison kills creativity. 85% of us were shamed in school.  50% of those were around creativity. (Brene Brown, DARING GREATLY). There's so much more to talk about when it comes to how we've been told we're "not enough" and how it affects our lives.  For now, I'll stop.  

In the spirit of self-compassion ---------------- so that we can extend that acceptance and understanding to others. 