Monday, May 27, 2013

Steal Like an Artist

Yes, STEAL! 

 I'm sure you were told never to steal, but now it's okay.  Really.
Jacqui Beck ( turned me onto this book.  Once I had it in my hands, I laughed,  It's the best for inspiration and bopping to the beat of releasing the old crap I revere. 
About the book.  It's written by a young man, Austin Kleon ( )  His 10 main points are best appreciated in the book.  But, I'll post them here so you're curious.
1, Steal like an artist.   2. Don't wait until you know who you are to get started.   3. Write the book you want to read.   4. Use your hands.   5. Side projects and hobbies are important.   6. THE SECRET: Do good work and share it with people.   7. Geography is no longer our master.   8. Be nice. (The world is a small town.)   9. Be boring ( it's the only way to get work done.)   10. Creativity is subtraction.

The one that intrigues me most right now is "Creativity is subtraction."  I get carried away with details.  Jacqui suggested I use a nothing smaller than a #4 brush to paint.  Not a 0000, but a messy, big old #4.  It felt good to work without details atop details.  BUT! I do like to sprinkle a few in here and there just to see if I can stop.  Remember the ad for Lay's Potato Chips? "Bet you can't eat just one!"  Young kids are my best teachers in  wholehearted simplicity. 

I've been to Alaska 2x to teach, connect, and love since I blogged last time. Once was at Paul Banks Elementary School and once at Bunnell Street Art Center. It was a 2 week residency at Paul Banks making space helmet masks with paper, paper clay, and pipe cleaners. At Bunnell, we did a full day of Touch Drawing (  ) Learning when teaching charges my batteries big time.  I marvel at studio artists who can paint for 8 hours at a time! For me, that's a challenge.  4 is good.

The POD series I'm working on now will be done this week.  I'll take it to be photographed and then post pictures here and on the website.

workshops and classes:
 Solstice Touch Drawing gathering here on June 22 in the evening. 
 Paint Labs are scheduled for May 31, June 21, July 5, July 19 from 10-4 at Orchard Grove.
Painting without Brushes at Art East on July 13
Teen Paint Camp at Art East on July 23-25