Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Full Moon gathering and Just-Finished paintings

Ahhhhh! of 4 new paintings today to Vetiver Organic Hair Spa in downtown Issaquah.    Richie and Kristina have sold a few pieces already.  It feels good to have them go to new homes where they're appreciated.


Evening 2

Late Afternoon


We'll be exploring the techniques used in these pieces at Acrylic Paint Lab this Friday, Feb. 1 at the Orchard Grove Community Room.   10-4 pm.  Let me know if you'd like to come. 

Sunday evening, January 27, 7 of us shared dinner and Touch Drawing to celebrate the full moon.  Low-key, contemplative, and fun.  Look for other celebrations.  I offer them when I want to do community art and meditation.  



PAINTING FROM THE FIRE WITHIN  happens again at Art East Art Center on March 3rd. Save the date. 
February 24,  11-4,  PAINTING IN THE SPIRIT OF GEORGIA O'KEEFFE takes place at Art East.  We'll be working with open acrylic paints, blending, and diluting

Please share how your creative juice is flowing. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


This painting, "Hive,"  sold today! 

"First Freeze of Autumn" will be for sale at Art East's garage the first week of February

There hasn't been a lot of wet paint in my studio this month.  I realize I've been gone 2 weeks out of the last 4.  When I'm here, I paint.... and prep for workshops.  There is a rhythm to my life. 

I wake up, meditate, stretch, eat, do Pilates, yoga, or bike.  I start work at 10 and work until 4. 
It's not all paint and brushes.  I often sit and look at a painting with my eyes in soft focus, turn it different directions, take a picture and play with color saturation and value on the computer, or block out a part of the piece and see what it feels like to me. I design workshops as wild as I want them to be.

If I didn't do these little side trips, I'd be stuck.  My thinking would stop me from using the brush as it wants to be used.  Sure, thinking plays a part in all of this "creativity".   The thinking I want to use is "mindfulness".  I'm working from a place of intuition and energy rather than forcing a concept onto the canvas. Sustaining that flow is the crux of the process.

Honestly, I catch myself in the "I CAN'T DO THIS" attitude quite often.. Then I know I need to turn on FLASHDANCE or GET READY by Rare Earth (YouTube) and drop the rigidity. Dance!

 Does that mean I have no intention when I begin the piece?  No.  Does it mean I give up and start over when I feel lost?  No.  Essentially, it means I want to walk into a piece connected to my breath, my body, and a sense of "honest expression". .

 In March I'll be going to Homer, Alaska for two weeks to do an artist in the schools residency. I'll bring this painting back with me. It's odd how a piece can seem mundane when I do it, then 6 years later it has value. I bring this up because it's proof of  how important it is for me to paint exactly what's impressing me at a particular moment in time. "Honest expression" is painting what moves me. Now.

Mt. Augustine from the Bayview Bluff on Kachemak Bay

Namaste, Gail

Monday, January 7, 2013

New Year. New Day. New Moment.

Questions I have today are emerging in paint and clay.
Photos here are about the juxtaposition of emptiness and fullness.  In my meditation practice, I experience emptiness as fullness. In the work the subject and ground are interchangeable.

If we're here, we assume we're present. Maybe not.  It seems we want to get to the NEXT thing, the NEXT idea, the NEXT connection.  For me, the deepest connection to  anything is stopping to find out what's here, not what comes NEXT.  It's not easy. This piece reminds me of the yin and yang symbol, although it's a flat picture plane with a floating dark form.  If you can enlarge the photo, you can see the sprout inside the dark, cold sphere.   It's part of a series of 5; 4 are on the table (in process now).

My dad told me it's better to be able to do many things than to do one thing well.  That question comes back when I find myself looking for descriptions of my work for the almighty Google search engine.  If I want more exposure, I need to describe what I do succinctly.  I have no clue.  I do many things.

My intention for 2013 is to paint from a place of deep connection to physical feelings and emotions.  Because my mom is becoming more frail each day, I have no idea where this will take me.  I want to be open and strong. 

The classes and workshops I offer are intended to give you tools to take your discovery practice farther.

You're invited to the next Acrylic Painting Lab ...... exploration in acrylic paint, collage, and watercolor as acrylic paint.  Where? in the community room here at Orchard Grove.  The next one is January 25, Friday, from 9:30-3:30.  You're invited to paint.  Register with you intent to show up at  $35 or pay what you will. 

 Painting in the Spirit of Helen Frankenthaler at Art East in downtown Issaquah on January 13, Sunday from 11-4. Go to

Touch Drawing Full Moon on January 27, Sunday, from 5:30-8:30 pm at Gail's studio.  Silence, color, touch, sensation, vulnerability. Donation for materials welcome. All materials provided.    Soup and bread shared.