Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remember this painting? The Banana Fairy? 
This is how it began...... a collage warm up for the sake of play. 

Never throw away the crazy stuff.  You can't tell where it may fit! 

And this one?  "Try to See It My Way"
It came from a section I removed from another, larger painting that never satisfied me. 
That panel looked like this....

The reason I share this is that painting is a PROCESS.  It's not a formula. 
The mystery of it comes through as I move the paint and let it move me.

1 comment:

  1. Gail, I remember the painting of the wolf and Chicken and remember what you told me when you made this painting.....I am enthralled to know your mental process as well as your physical process of painting. I am inspired by you sharing...I can learn from you on this blog, isnt life wonderful?
    Keep on teaching me.
    Friends Cindy
